SC Superintendent of the Year Kathy Hipp ready to share the secret of Anderson School District 3


Kathy Hipp is passionate about bringing opportunity to her small school district. As the 2022 South Carolina Superintendent of the Year, Hipp looks forward to shining the spotlight on the great things going on in Anderson School District 3.

“I’m passionate for the county, I’m passionate for the area, but I’m mostly passionate for our students. I want them to have every opportunity anybody in a large district has, anybody in a wealthy district has,” Hipp said. “Me getting this honor is just a great example of the great things going on in Anderson School District 3 and our mission is to tell everyone the great things going on in Anderson School District 3. We no longer want to be that best kept secret.”

A 1984 graduate of Crescent High School in Iva, Hipp went to Erskine College in Due West then returned home to begin her teaching career. She has spent 32 of her 33 years in education in Anderson School District 3, save for one year she worked as a counselor at Lakeside Middle School in Anderson.

The largest school district in Anderson County – geographically speaking, Anderson 3 has the smallest population. But its size gives it more of a community feel, Hipp says.

“We have a lot of rural farmland, but it’s one of the things that makes it special because it all centers around one high school where it’s like a family,” she said. “Really, the whole district is like a family. Faculty and staff tend to like the community atmosphere. We’re not about programs, we’re laser focused on students and their needs.”

Hipp says the SC Superintendent of the Year award is one that honors the entire Anderson District 3 team.

“Winning this honor really honors our team, and it’s a team effort that got us through one of the hardest years I’ve ever had in 33 years of education,” she said.

Video courtesy of Anderson County.
