8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
The Anderson County Farmers Market offers fresh, locally grown, seasonal produce in a outdoor environment. The Market is ADA accessible, sheltered and is open rain or shine on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 8 am – 12 pm through November 24. EBT, WIC and SNAP accepted.
COVID-19 Guidelines
For your safety and the safety of the community you will be asked to follow these and other recommendations for shopping at the Market:
• If you are sick, or have been exposed to someone who is sick, STAY HOME.
• Maintain at least 6 ft. of social distancing from vendors and other shoppers.
• Wear a face mask/face covering. Vendors & staff will be wearing face masks also for your protection..
• Shop as quickly and efficiently as possible. Do not congregate.
• Shop with your eyes, not your hands. Vendors will handle produce/products.
• When possible, send one family member only to shop.
• Leave pets at home.
• Wash and sanitize your hands often.
Like @AndersonCountyFarmersMarket on Facebook for up to date information.
Anderson County Farmers Market
402 N Murray Avenue
Anderson, SC 29624