12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Join us as we discuss small business legalities with guest speaker and attorney Tyler Gilliam, business and tax lawyer with Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd.
Lunch is provided but registration is REQUIRED. Due to social distancing efforts, registration will be enforced.
To register, email: cgaddis@cityofandersonsc.com.
Registration must be completed by 3/17/21
About The Speaker
Tyler Gilliam is a business and tax lawyer for Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd. He helps companies establish and maintain effective South Carolina operations while implementing entity structures and transactions in a tax-efficient manner. In his litigation practice, Tyler advises clients in complex LLC and partnership disputes and contract disputes. In addition, Tyler works with clients on a range of state and local tax issues, including handling property tax appeals, securing South Carolina tax credits, and ensuring sales tax compliance.
City of Anderson Economic Development
102 N Murray Avenue
Anderson, South Carolina 19621