1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join us for a book signing with author Robert J. Sweeney. Books will be available for sale during the event.
Robert J. Sweeney has authored three volumes of the Saber’s Tales series about a PBGV puppy born with front legs that do not look like his brothers’ and sisters’ legs. Robert has raised Old English Sheepdogs, Petite Basset Griffon Vendeen, Beagles and a Boxer. He and his spouse, Michael, have placed 15 rescue dogs and 3 cats in forever homes over the last 10 years. Two of those placements were in their own home. From this experience he has learned that some of the worst kind of abuse is neglect. Dogs, like people, deserve to be loved. Volume 4 in his series will be released by Fall 2021.
This event is free; donations are accepted. Email Linda at lbloparo@andersoncountysc.org to register to attend.
Anderson County Museum
202 E Greenville Street
Anderson, South Carolina 29621