Rotary Club of Greater Anderson service projects benefit those often overlooked


The coronavirus pandemic has created opportunities for new service projects around Anderson, including two organized by the Rotary Club of Greater Anderson to benefit those who often are overlooked.

During January, club members created and delivered 20 care packages to members of the security staff at AnMed Medical Center to thank them for their continued work at the hospital during the pandemic, according to club member April Cameron.

“We think a lot about the doctors and nurses who are working on the front lines in our hospital, but the security staff at the hospital is often forgotten and they deal with the same risks as other hospital employees,” Cameron said.

Care packages included hand warmers, hand sanitizer, cookies, crackers, lip balm and a $5 gift card for coffee. Each package also had a handwritten thank you note from the club.

Members of the Rotary Club of Greater Anderson also put together 25 “Stop the Spread” bags that were donated to the Anderson Free Clinic for distribution to their clients. Bags included items such as hand sanitizer and face masks.

“When you have so many other basic needs, buying hand sanitizer or a face covering may not be at the top of the priority list,” Cameron said.

Service project items were donated by Rotary club members, with club volunteers putting bags together and delivering them.

For more information on the Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, visit the club website or follow Rotary Club of Greater Anderson on Facebook.
