Local women step up to stage fundraiser for Foothills Alliance


As the saying goes, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.

Extraordinary times also tend to reveal extraordinary people, and Foothills Alliance is experiencing that firsthand.

“When COVID swept in and dealt its blow to nonprofits, it changed our normal fundraising activities,” said Chesley Hucker, Executive Director of Foothills Alliance. “Rather than hold our large annual fundraising event, we’ve tried to concentrate more on reaching individual donors.”

But a group of local women is not letting the coronavirus pandemic sideline their passion for supporting survivors of sexual assault and child abuse in the community, so they have taken up the fundraising mantle.

Headed by Lacey Bridwell and Wendy Gillespie from Prodigy Hair Loft in Anderson, the Save the Children Committee has planned a January 22, 2021 gala at The Bleckley Station benefitting Foothills Alliance, which provides free crisis care, counseling and advocacy for survivors of sexual assault, child abuse and neglect in Anderson and Oconee counties.

“When COVID hit, the salon was closed so I was at home for about eight weeks,” Bridwell said. “I started seeing stories popping up on social media about sex trafficking. The more I researched and learned, the more I realized how common it is. It’s happening in large and small communities, and way too often.”

A mother of three, Bridwell said she was determined to do something to help.

“Wendy Gillespie who owns the salon is a fundraising guru, so she offered to teach me how to put an event together,” Bridwell said. And what began as a parking lot affair with food trucks and t-shirts turned into a gala at The Bleckley Station.

Due to coronavirus restrictions, the event will be held in space that can accommodate 500 persons but will be limited to 250 to allow for appropriate social distancing. The gala will feature a silent auction, door prizes and other opportunities to raise funds for Foothills Alliance’s sexual trauma center, child advocacy center, and education and outreach programs.

The Save the Children Committee is seeking silent auction gifts, door prizes, food and beverage donations, gifts-in-kind, cash donations and table sponsorships.

“This group of incredible and kind women did their research on local organizations and they found us,” Hucker said. “They want to do this for us and they’re handling everything. This is a first for me. I’ve not experienced anything like this in all my years of nonprofit work.”

For information on donating or purchasing tickets to the Save The Children Fundraising Gala on January 22, 2021, call Lacey Bridwell at (864) 760-7079.
